Self-Help Center

Separation / Divorce

Separation / Divorce (Adults)


Divorce/Separation Support Group (Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Mahomet) (2010 F,L) This group is open to all who are divorced or separated. Topics include grief, anger, loneliness, healing, etc. The group features biblical teachings and prayers. Meets Weds. evenings in Mahomet. It is offered periodically. Contact Liz Clawson for information on the next group sessions. Call: Liz Clawson (217) 586-2846 Email: Write: Liz Clawson, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, 501 W. State St., Mahomet, IL 61853

DivorceCare (New Horizon Methodist Church) (A,L) This group provides a divorce recovery seminar and support group. It is nondenominational, but does feature biblical teachings. Meets Mon., 6:30-8:30 p.m., New Horizon United Methodist Church, 3002 W. Bloomington Rd., Champaign. Call: Mike Potts, New Horizon Methodist Church (217) 359-8909 Email: Local Website: National Website:

DivorceCare (Meadowbrook Church) (2009 A,L) This divorce recovery seminar and support group is nondenominational, but does feature biblical teachings. Optional workbook fee is $20. Meets Wed., 6:00-8:00 p.m., Meadowbrook Church, 1902 S. Duncan Rd., Champaign. Call: Ron and Deb Bailey (217) 359-9636 or Stacy (217) 351-3019 Email: Local Website: National Website: Write: DivorceCare, Meadowbrook Church, 1902 S. Duncan Rd., Champaign, IL 61822


Kids’ Turn (2005 F,P/L) This group is for divorced parents to give and receive parenting support. Meets Wed., 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Healthy Start House, 1119 E. Taylor, Bloomington. Free childcare and light meal provided. Call: (312) 424-0200 Email: Local Website: Write: Children’s Home + Aid, 403 S. State St., Bloomington, IL 61701

Separation / Divorce (Children)


Rainbows For All Children (1983 A,P/L) This program offers groups to help children who are grieving the loss of a parent or guardian due to death, divorce, deployment or other loss. Contact Rainbows to find groups. Call: (847) 952-1770 Email: National Website: Write: Rainbows for All Children, 1007 Church St., Ste. 408, Evanston, IL 60201

Number: Year group was formed
A: Affiliated with a state, national or international group
F: Freestanding group
L: Lay run/organized group
P/L: Professional and lay persons share facilitation/organizational roles in group
P: Professional facilitates and/or organizes group meetings